Season of Darkness

I had several days of frustration this week losing any sense of equanimity I might have had, and becoming very much the skin-encapsulated ego rather than the human of Being […]
Why we need The Burkhart Center

In a moment of synchronicity, Jungian psychologist James Hollis’ Tracking the Gods: The Place of Myth in Modern Life fell into my hands just while packing for my final October […]
Giving Up Conditional Love: Wisdom from don Miguel Ruiz

Love is a primary teaching of every wisdom faith tradition, but this billowing, abstract concept is too often reduced to sentimentality, romanticism. The truth is, loving is difficult. It’s hard […]
Thinking Apocalyptically with Courageous Hearts

The courageous heart is not just the heart that only loves and nothing else; it is the heart that loves regardless of what happens.” –A. H. Almaas It occurred […]
The Divine Holding

Occasionally over the last few months, I’ve noticed, in my spiritual practices and at times of both joy and sorrow, moments of experience that I can only describe using the […]